Friday 10 May 2013

Impact of energy production on the environment.

Fuel food gathering is wood that is burned for  fuel.(primary energy) domestic fuel.

Gathering of wood can cause deforestation, habitat loss and soil erosion as tree roots bind the soil together and if trees are removed soil can be washed away by rain or blown away.In Nepal, 87% of their primary energy is sourced from fuel wood and the ever increasing demand has led to the destruction of 71% of their forest coverage. This has resulted in the risk of flooding and landslides in both Nepal and neighbouring Bangladesh being greatly increased as the absence of trees increases surface runoff by reducing the interception store and it means that there is a lack of roots to bind the soil.

In LEDC fuel wood is burnt in completely in air on stoves which leads to the production of CO carbon monoxide, methane and nitrogen oxide. These have health impacts and cause global warming.
As there are double emissions as you burn it to make charcoal.

In Ethiopia 80% of homes used fuel wood . It is transported on women's backs they make less than $12 dollars a month. Also they walk up to 8 miles a day.

Nuclear is non renewable energy, its source is uranium which is an scars radioactive source. It said to last 30-60 depending on demand. It is the cleanest and cheapest and has no emissions in France.

Problem- Its waste is radioactive and you have to keep it in your countries for many years.
(2cm pellet produces same amount of energy as a 1.5 tonne of coal.)

Casestudy- in Pripyat 40,000 inhabitants.
Chernobyl 1986 26th April.
Nuclear explosion due to a radioactive cloud which blew up on Europe.
This caused radiation poisoning .  This caused 100,000 cancer victims. 56 died.
 Radioactive particles settled on trees killing 400 hectors of pine trees.
13% of UK power is nuclear.
75% of Frances energy is nuclear
Fossil Fuel-  A finite resource (natural gas, oil, coal) formed from fossilised plant and animals over millions of years. Found in MEDC mainly in middle east it is converted into secondary energy. They release green house gases, acid rain is erosive kills trees.
Nuclear bombs can be made.
200,000 people in thirty kilometer radius had to be rehoused.
Food supplies were affected contaminated.

China developing it – 32 by 2020
Costs are high regarding safety & insurance
Nuclear waste an unsolved problem – radioactive for 10,000 years
Nuclear technology also used as weapons
Extracting Uranium produces co2 emissions
Chernobyl – possible nuclear disaster is global

Environmental impacts of fossil fuels.
Scaring of the land in extraction
Oil tank spills eg BP.
Land loss
weather change
loss of crops 
Acid rain-Clean Air Act – 1979 – has significantly reduced the problem in Europe

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